As we commemorate Trans Day of Remembrance, let's not only remember the lives lost but also reflect on the mental health challenges faced by the trans community. In a world that often marginalizes and misunderstands, the impact on mental well-being can be profound.
Today, Transbefrienders pledge to create a more inclusive, empathetic space where everyone's mental health is valued. This pledge is not just a promise towards the greater community but also a new initiative that our committee team is working towards in supporting the mental health of all our team members.
We would also like to take this momentous opportunity to announce a partnership with Monfort Care, a network of programmes committed to improving the lives of individuals, families and the community facing transitional challenges. Transbefrienders is honoured to be under the guidance and mentorship of their team of social service professionals who strive to provide community-based social services to empower lives and strengthen communities. They will be providing counseling and group supervision for our befrienders to enhance the amazing work with our youth!
Here’s to remembering with a commitment to support and uplift each other.